How I practice.


My work with people is informed by a Masters in Counseling Psychology (with a focus in clinical and Depth-oriented psychotherapy); a decade of experience as an organizer, activist, trainer, and change-maker; and a lifetime of being a human.

My work is grounded in the somatic, imaginal, and archetypal psychology, while incorporating traditional psychodynamic and evidence-based techniques. Our work together may look like traditional talk therapy or may incorporate creative expression, movement, and the imagination. We might discuss cultural or family patterning and notice how those patterns are living in you. We will almost certainly practice noticing sensation inside and outside of the body with curiosity and compassion. Together we will identify the different parts that make up the whole of you, and get into relationship with them from a place of loving curiosity. We will work with the mind, body, and spirit at the pace that’s right for you. My work is nervous-system oriented and trauma informed.

I will help you approach yourself with curiosity, identify patterns and parts that need tending, discover your body as a haven of safety in an uncertain world, and generally build insight and resilience towards being the most authentic version of yourself.

For couples+, all of the above is true — PLUS we will work together using the principles of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy as our guide. This style of therapy is process-oriented, not content-oriented. That means that while we might talk about who does the dishes, we’ll start to practice zooming out and looking at the relationship and communication patterns that get activated when the dishes come up. Once we get familiar with these patterns and how they show up in your relationship, we’ll work together in session to practice different ways of interacting with each other where each member of partnership feels seen, responded to, valued, and cared for.


  • A grounding in anti-racist theory and practice...

    …informed by an understanding of systemic oppression and intergenerational trauma. I spent my first career as an activist and organizer in the progressive movement (from unions, to immigration reform, to climate justice, and everywhere in between). I then completed a Master’s thesis on archetypal expressions of white supremacy and the cultural complex of white innocence.

    Race and systemic oppression matters in the therapy room because trauma and access matters in the therapy room. I’ll be here to wade into these complex waters, no matter your race or family history.

  • Deep familiarity with Polyamorous, Queer, Kink, BDSM, and Trans+ communities and issues...

    …though of course, yours are unique!

    Living within marginalized sexual and gender identities and frameworks brings it’s own set of challenges, both for individuals and within relationships.

    If your gender, relationship structure, or sexual orientation isn’t the reason you are coming to therapy, I’m not going to make it the problem. And if it is, I’m here to hold affirming space for you while you find your way to your own inner knowing and truth.

    I’m happy to work with monogamous couples (hello!), and I am especially excited to be a place where those of you in non-traditional relationships (hi!) don’t need to explain the basic premise of your relationship choices. We will dig into the unique complexity of your relationship structure and dynamics. My work with couples is grounded in Integrative Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy.

  • An abolitionist and risk-reduction stance on drug use...

    …and most other things as well. It is natural for humans to seek to alter our consciousness. I work with people across the spectrum of relationship to substance, and I will never pathologize your drug use on principle.

    Whether we are integrating learning from your intentional engagement with entheogens, or working on helping you find your sovereignty within your relationship to your drug of choice (including if sovereignty can only be truly found in abstinence), I will treat you with dignity and respect.

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”

Arundhati Roy